Network Spinal Analysis
It’s a fact of life we’re going to experience stress. And while some amount of stress in our life is normal, our bodies can become bogged down with too much emotional, chemical or physical stress, which leads to dysfunction and unpleasant symptoms. Often, this deeply engrained stress and tension that we experience settles in our spinal column.
It’s James Lee’s goal to uncover and identify those areas of stress deep within your spine and nervous system, and use advanced, gentle chiropractic adjustments to remove them.
Over the years, Dr. Lee has seen practice members reveal incredible results through Network Spinal Analysis, a chiropractic adjustment designed to use the gentlest touch to identify patterns of tension within the tissue near your spine that are often responsible for pulling it out of alignment.
 We love to utilize many methods to help our practice members heal naturally.
 All of them are safe, natural and non-invasive. Chiropractic care usually consists of a series of adjustments, which are made by our licensed chiropractor.
Dr. James Lee utilizes the technique, NetworkSpinal, which is an evidenced-based approach to wellness and body awareness.
What is NetworkSpinal?
During a session, gentle, precise touches to the spine cue the brain to create new, wellness-promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop with this work. They are associated with the spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinements with practice member’s self-assessment of wellness and life changes.
Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion and expression of the human spirit are realized through this popular healing work. NetworkSpinal is exclusively practiced by chiropractors in relation to the identification and self-regulation of spinal tension and subluxation patterns.
NetworkSpinal is a system based within the wellness paradigm, which places the individual in an active role for maximizing expression of his or her own innate potential. Unlike a common health-VS-illness approach, which is based on fear and dominance, the wellness approach is based on empowerment and partnership with the practitioner.
NetworkSpinal is designed to advance spinal and neural integrity by developing new strategies and self-organization. It is about living life from the inside out. Through a series of light touches along the spine, the practice member experiences a deeper awareness of his or her own spinal structures and a release of spinal tensions.
Dr. Lee believes the knowledge and wisdom acquired through experiencing NetworkSpinal will aid individuals in making healthier choices, which, in turn, can shift human culture toward a more compassionate, vital, creative, self-aware and responsible entity. By optimizing an individual’s biology, NetworkSpinal will facilitate positive transformation on a global scale – one spine at a time.