The Wisdom of Deep Time
A Study and Experience of Time Expansion
Learn about and deepen your practice as a time weaver! Join like-minded seekers, practitioners, and scholars for a rejuvenating and transformative experience. Receive take-away insights and practices to deepen your relationship with time. Humanity needs to move from the outworn “Age of Efficiency” to a new age that is less time-compressed and more time-wise. The Quest for Presence is a framework, practice, and community for this new age.
There are two events, and you can sign up for either or both.
YOUR HAPPENING LIFE -- Thursday Evening.
Learn to delve beyond your current perspective on time.
6:00 to 8:00 PM
On Thursday evening, we will work with Dr. Bennett’s book The Connoisseur of Time (also available for free download here). We will embrace our current attitudes toward time and explore our threshold for going deeper. Participants will receive personal copies of the book and worksheets to assess the degree to which they might be time-starved, time-shifting, time-competent, or a time genius—or all of these. Our time together will include readings, interaction, group discussion, and guided meditation. Light snacks will be served.
A MAP TO EXPANSION -- Friday Morning.
Journey into the Radiant Forces of Time with guided practical exploration.
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Although it is recommended that participants attend the Thursday event, they can come on Friday without attending the Thursday event. Participants will receive “Quest for Presence” Book 1 (The Map and Radiant Forces) and Book 2 (The Soulful Capacities). A light breakfast snack will be served.
Part 1. Following orientation and discussion, participants will experience a more profound guided meditation on the experience of Radiant Forces that give birth to our understanding of time and the unfolding of our lives. Participants can journal and discuss insights from this work and its application to their resilience, spiritual health, or personal evolution journey.
Part 2. We will then dive into the four Soulful Capacities or factors associated with time competency and wisdom. These are Acceptance, Presence, Flow, and Synchronicity. Following registration for the Friday class, you will receive a link to an online version of an assessment of the Soulful Capacities. We will review each capacity along with guided meditation, exercises, and discussion.
Thursday Evening: $39.95 (includes a copy of Connoisseur of Time); After September 5th, the price is $49.95.
Friday Morning: $79.95 (includes copies of Quest for Presence, Book 1 --- and Book 2); After September 5th price is $99.95
The location will be in a private home in South Austin in the Westgate Neighborhood. Following registration, you will receive directions to the event.
PRESENTER AND GUIDE: Dr. Joel Bennett, author of the Quest for Presence Collection, has been delivering time and spiritual health workshops for over 20 years.
HOST: Melanie Wild.