Have you been curious to know how to connect deeper with yourself, others & the Universe? Join us for a beginner friendly yet powerful series of four workshops by donation
1) Tools for a Playful Life : 2:00 - 4:00 pm
This universe is a mixture of chaos and structure. Come explore the art of playing with this structured chaos and know yourself and the universe in the process.
We will do this with sound, movement and music.
Bring any musical instrument you have. No need to know how to play it. We will learn how to play with our inner knowing.)
We will learn how to expand our mind by getting into playful flow states
2) Tools for Daily Self Care : 4:15 - 5:45 pm
Here we will learn how to take care of our Body, Mind and Spirit everyday so that we can respond to the ever changing world with grace and delight
The practices follow the acronym GAIASETS which stand for Gratitude, Acceptance, Intention, Activating the Body, Stilling the Mind, Energizing S3x, Transmuting with Breathwork, Sending it out as Compassion.
These practices can be done in as little as 15mins.
3) Philosophy of Tantra : 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Tantric answers to questions like What is the nature of reality? Who am I? What am I doing here? Why practice? What is a spiritual path?
You can bring dinner to this talk.
4) Tools for Connection : 7:15 - 9:15 pm
Here we will explore how to deepen our connection with others with communication, presence and touch skills
Limited Spots. So please RSVP link below.
Invite anyone who can benefit from any of this

United States Events