Whole Plant Nutrition
At Casa de Luz, we've chosen not to post a fixed menu online to create a more homey, spontaneous dining experience, much like visiting a friend's house for a meal.
Our meals are crafted daily based on the availability of fresh, organic ingredients and the chef's inspiration. This means that our offerings evolve throughout the day, and we don't have a set menu in advance. We understand that this approach may not be for everyone, but we believe it allows us to provide the healthiest and most delicious meals possible.
We invite you to join us and experience the unique and ever-changing dishes we have to offer. If you have any dietary restrictions or preferences, please let us know, our cooks welcome the opportunity to accommodate your particular needs.
We look forward to welcoming you to Casa de Luz!
Warm regards,
The Casa de Luz Team

Breakfast is served daily
From 7am - Until we run out.
(the times may vary specially on busy days)
Start your day with a nourishing, balanced meal:
Kukicha Hot Tea – A soothing, mineral-rich tea to warm and energize.
Hearty Soup – A comforting, nutrient-dense broth made fresh daily.
Dark Leafy Greens – Served with a flavorful nuts & seeds sauce for a boost of healthy fats and minerals.
Mixed Seasonal Vegetables – Lightly cooked for optimal digestion and nourishment.
Presoaked Beans – Protein-rich and easily digestible, prepared with care.
Fresh Handmade Tortillas – Made in-house for the perfect warm and wholesome complement to your meal.
Porridge – Served with granola, raisins, and cinnamon for a naturally sweet, grounding start to your morning.
Enjoy a breakfast designed to fuel your body and mind with real, whole foods.

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Main Plate
Pre-soaked Whole Grains and Beans
Why Soak?
Soaking improves flavors and textures, shortens the cooking time, and aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Soaking them beforehand stimulates the sprouting process which allows several important chemical reactions to occur. This makes it easier for the digestive system to handle and also allows you to receive much more nutritional benefit.
The main plate will always come with
a grain, legume, dark leafy greens, topped with a sauce, Mixed veggies, and pickled veggies.

Varies each day with each meal.
Included with a full meal.

Green Leaf
Red Cabbage
House Dressing*
*No processed (bottled) oils:
whole seeds and nuts from which we get our essential fatty acids
Included with the full meal.

Dark Leafy Greens
At Casa de Luz, we cook a mixture of greens together, including:
Collard Greens
Bok Choy Greens
Turnip Greens
Mustard Greens
Carrot Greens
Radish Greens
Daikon Greens
Dandelion Greens
*No Nightshade Vegetables are used

Fermented pickled veggies
Fermented foods play a major role in the regulation and upkeep of a healthy digestive system.
Fermented and pickled foods are alive with beneficial bacterial colonies that enrich and strengthen our digestive tracts, killing off pathogenic strains and establishing a healthy pH balance.
Drinks Served Everyday
Kukicha Tea
Kukicha Tea is a Japanese tea prepared from the stems and stalks of the tea shrub, Camellia sinensis. The twigs are pruned from the shrub, steamed and dried, and then aged and roasted.
Contains six times more calcium than cow's milk, thereby helping to build bone density
Contains 2 1/2 times more Vitamin C than oranges
Reduces high blood pressure.
Helps with digestion.
Combats fatigue
Benefits people suffering from bladder infections and heart diseases
Reduces the risk of certain types of cancer.
Helps lower cholesterol levels.
Low in Caffeine
Burns fat

Hibiscus tea
Decreases High Blood Pressure
Reduces High Cholesterol
Aids in Digestion
Strengthens the Immune System
Relieves Inflammation
Reduces the Risk of Cancer
Accelerates the Metabolism resulting in Weight Loss
Relaxes the Body & Mind
Cures Bad Breath
Red rooibos
lemongrass and mint tea
Cures Headaches, Insomnia, Asthma, Eczema, Bone Weakness, Hypertension, Allergies, and Premature Aging.
Free from Caffeine and low in Tannins
Relieves Digestive Tract Spasms
Relieves Stomach Aches
Reduces High Blood Pressure
Reduces pain
Relieves vomiting, cough, achy joints (rheumatism), fever, the common cold, and exhaustion.
It also helps to kill germs and is used as a mild astringent.
Strengthens the Immune System
Aids in Weight Loss
Cures bad breath
Relaxes the Body & Mind
Burns fat

Fluoride filtered and vortex activated H2O
Our community feels that the government should not medicate our water with fluoride. Casa removes fluoride with a sequestering device as the fluoride molecule is too small to be filtered.
The system sequesters fluoride.
Renewed energy and stamina.
Renewed hydration & quenched thirst.
Regular, normal bowel function.
Detoxification of impurities in the body.
Weight loss through proper elimination.
Regulated heart rate and blood pressure.
Smoother, softer skin, stronger nails, lustrous hair.
Fewer colds, flu, and viral illnesses.
Enhancing the body's auric energy field.
*Available at Casa de Luz